Reversible Computation (RC)
July 18 - July 19, 2023, Giessen, Germany
Welcome to the
15th Conference on Reversible Computation
Pandemic/International Situation
The 2023 edition of RC is planned as an on-site, in-person event.
July 18 - July 19 , 2023, Giessen, Germany
The Conference on Reversible Computation will bring together researchers from computer science, mathematics, engineering, and physics to discuss new developments and directions for future research in the emerging area of Reversible Computation. This particularly includes applications of reversibility in quantum computation. Research papers, tool demonstrations, and work-in-progress reports are within the scope of the conference.
Previous editions of this event took place as workshops in York (2009), Bremen (2010), Gent (2011), Copenhagen (2012), and as conference in Victoria (2013), Kyoto (2014), Grenoble (2015), Bologna (2016), Kolkata (2017), Leicester (2018), Lausanne (2019), Oslo (2020), Nagoya (2021), and Urbino (2022).
The conference proceedings (Springer LNCS 13690) are available for a period of 4 weeks to the conference participants.
Abstract submission:
February 13th, 2023 AOE (extended and strict)
Submission deadline:
February 20th, 2023 AOE (extended and strict)
Notification to authors:
April 10th, 2023
Final version:
May 1st, 2023
July 18th - July 19th, 2023
Martin Kutrib
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
Uwe Meyer
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (University of Applied Sciences) Giessen, Germany